How it works

Personal contact

When you add your profile we will contact you personally to check the profile.

45% of the sellers sold their company

45% of the profiles which are removed of our website were successfully sold.

Direct contact with buyers and sellers

See immediately which advisor has added the profile and contact this party.

Sell or buy your business now on the largest takeover website of Belgium and find the right match. is successful in matching offer and demand of companies on a large scale. If you have no succession for your company or you are looking for a company to buy; you are on the right place!

Add a profile

Your profile will be ready within a few minutes. Just enter the asked fields in several steps. Every profile will be placed anonymously, the data we ask are only for registration and the possibility to call you. We will never communicate this external. When you have entered everything, we will contact you by phone to discuss your profile and to check everything. If correct; your profile will be approved and published on our website. Every interested candidate can react to your profile now.


If you want to react on an interesting profile, you just enter the asked fields. You only have to do this once because every user will get an own account, when you login with your account your data will automatically be filled the next time. When you click send, the reaction appears in our system. We check the data and if correct it will be send to the owner of the profile. The owner of the profile decides how to react to you. He or she has to do this within 7 working days. If not, you can contact us and we will give you the company data or we will contact the owner of the profile.


If offer and demand are connected we have a deal and our mission is completed. The profile can be removed of the website. You can do it yourself or contact us to do it.


We have several interesting opportunities for advisors. You can get some extra services like a hidden part (only visible for registrated advisors), edit, change and remove your profiles, add profiles on your own company website, advertising.  And a good price! For more information for advisors check this site.


Do you have questions or do you need help with editing your profile or reaction? Do not hesitate to call us on  +32 (0)470 041 785.