Profile number 104885

Tanktransport company

22/06/2022 Date added

Located in

The Netherlands

Also interesting for this region (s)

All of the country

General information



Type of company

Road haulage and exceptionsal haulage

Legal entity

Foreign legal entity

Type of transaction

To be determined

Life phase enterprise


Employees in FTE

10 - 25

Type of buyer

  • MBI candidate
  • Strategic acquisition

Financial information

Turnover last financial year

€ 2.500.000 - € 5.000.000

Asking price

To be agreed

Earnings before taxes

€ 100.000 - € 250.000

Company history/background

The transport company, based in Southeast Netherlands, is active in liquid transport for regular customers within Europe. The company employs its own equipment and drivers. It also actively uses the services of third parties.

Company activities

International road transport of liquids with own staff, tractors and tankers. 

Unique selling points

Transport company active in tank transport is specialized in a regional market in the Eastern European countries. It operates in a niche market with its own office (participation) and drivers.


The company is a reputable transport company with many years of history. In consultation with the buyer, the associated property with favorable location for access via highways and opportunities for transport via water can be taken over.

Tanktransport company
The Netherlands
For sale
2.500.000 - 5.000.000
To be agreed