Profile number 104202

Patent: Non-removable cap for cartons and bottles.

23/11/2022 Date added

Located in

The Netherlands

Also interesting for this region (s)

All of the country

General information



Type of company

Plastic and rubber conversion

Legal entity

Foreign legal entity

Type of transaction

To be determined

Life phase enterprise


Employees in FTE

< 5

Type of buyer

  • Strategic acquisition
  • Investor

Financial information

Turnover last financial year

€ 0 - € 100.000

Asking price

€ 0 - € 500.000

Earnings before taxes

€ 100.000 - € 250.000

Company history/background

On behalf of our client offered for sale a cap designed and developed by him, as an alternative for cap designs which are connected to the spout by a band. This is to prevent loose caps from ending up in the environment and to comply with the new legislation on the subject.

Unique selling points

This distinctive non-removable cap can be applied to plastic bottles, cans, jerry cans, cartons nand jars. Particularly suitable for the beverage industry but also for liquids. Because of the attractive and special looks also suitable for cosmetics and personal care products such as shampoos. Also suitable for use in pharmaceuticals.

The unique geometry of the design keeps the cap in contact with the thread during opening and at the same time creates sufficient opening for easy pouring of the liquid.


NL Patent granted and PCT underway.

Client wishes to sell the patent to a party that can apply this practical and distinctive cap in one or more segments in this very large market.

Client wishes to receive an appropriate remuneration related to the order of magnitude and the nature of the application by a buyer, in combination with royalties.

Cooperation with an investor is negotiable.

BusinessPartners will be pleased to inform you further.

Patent: Non-removable cap for cartons and bottles.
The Netherlands
For sale
0 - 100.000
0 - 500.000