Profile number 101905

Patent Bucket Crusher: rubble processing to building material on location

01/03/2021 Date added

Located in

The Netherlands

Also interesting for this region (s)

All of the country

General information



Type of company

Land, water and road construction

Legal entity

Foreign legal entity

Type of transaction

Assets / liabilities

Life phase enterprise


Employees in FTE


Type of buyer

Strategic acquisition

Financial information

Turnover last financial year

€ 0 - € 100.000

Asking price

€ 500.000 - € 1.000.000

Earnings before taxes

€ 0 - € 100.000

Company history/background

Business for sale in the Netherlands: Our client has developed a tool for the processing of concrete rubble on site, worked it out into a Proof of Concept and patented this very actual invention.

This new tool can be simply fitted as attachment on the excavator on the site.  Instead of dumping the rubble in trucks transporting it to recycling plants, this bucket crusher crushes, separates iron, sifts the debris (concrete, pavers, sewer pipes, sidewalks, tiles etc) directly on the spot into raw building material in the form of BSB and CE certified grain which can be used directly instead of obtaining it from the recycling plants
This saves the contractors approx. 100% on the cost of logistics and landfill costs and another approx.100% purchasing of certified raw material.
The footprint of the contractor, in particular in terms of CO2 emissions, is drastically reduced by application of this technique, which, in particular for government-related projects, is now more heavily weighted every day, and will be decisive in the obtaining of projects.
The contractor using this bucket crusher:
  1. Saves very heavily on costs (approx. 200%)
  2. Will win tenders based on footprint; very STRONG CO2 REDUCTION
This Bucket Crusher can be demonstrated directly.
Client wishes to sell the Patent/rights under appropriate conditions.

Patent Bucket Crusher: rubble processing to building material on location
The Netherlands
For sale
0 - 100.000
500.000 - 1.000.000